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Client Spotlight: SunBasin Solar Marketing Plan

By March 31, 2016September 11th, 2023No Comments

A Better Way to Go Green:

SunBasin Solar


Located in one of the nations largest solar hot-spots, SunBasin Solar has emerged as a company with a unique solution to the rising costs of electricity. With a year-round average of 5 solar hours a day, harnessing the power of the sun becomes a no-brainer with the correct equipment.

Our Webaholics team knows what it’s like to build a business from the ground up. We understand that brand recognition and marketing is vital to the growth of any start-up company. In the case of SunBasin Solar, promoting renewable energy and educating our local community about solar technology will benefit Utah families and also aid the growth of their Brand.

When Webaholics first launched the SunBasin Solar Project, we saw an opportunity to market a profitable organization with a highly targeted marketing plan. With SunBasin’s internal dedication to green technology and our custom, hands-on design work, we created an awesome user friendly site that is simple yet informative.

sun basin solar

Who is SunBasin Solar?


As one of Utah’s newest solar companies, SunBasin Solar had a plan of attack when it came to getting their foot in the door. Although SunBasin started late in the game, they found a way to enhance their product to take the solar energy market by storm. By observing their current competition and the flaws that exist throughout the solar market, they simplified the process to provide solutions to solar installation problems that current solar companies still deal with. This extreme attention to detail mixed with the passion and dedication to renewable solar energy is what sets this company above and beyond the competition

SunBasin found valuable business partners in the industry including SunEdison and Suniva to provide quality solar technology and industry leading warranties. These partnerships combine to create a more cost effective solution compared to the other solar companies around Utah.

Taking a step back to analyze the playing field and sizing up the competition played a big roll in the SunBasin Solar marketing strategy. Instead of trying to “wing-it” and troubleshoot later, they took the approach of watching the way other companies build and fall. Thus giving the SunBasin team a chance to dismantle different solar marketing plans and incorporate the working details into their own future success.

SunBasin Website’s Features


  • New Animations: Using new updates and improvements in our back-end development, the Webaholics team created animations and parallax effects to set higher level of quality. These small features create a unique user experience on their website making SunBasin a more unique experience for the eyes of the customers.


  • Mobile Responsiveness: Like all of our websites, SunBasinSolar.com is capable of being displayed on any screen size. Phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops will all be fully functional while scrolling through the content and information on the site.


  • Conversion Ready: SunBasin’s website is built with a single purpose: to gather potential leads and interested customers through providing unique and relevant content. We designed the website to provide information related to user interaction with dedicated landing pages based through targeted search terms detected by Google.


  • User Friendly: Every Webaholics website is developed with the prime user in mind. SunBasin is no exception. We took the time to create a unique product that aids the customer in their solar power research and provides a unique approach to provide an effective solution to their questions. Marketing is not all about selling, its about providing east and fast experience to their audience in a simple, but effective way.
[vc_single_image image=”5912″ img_size=”full” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=”http://sunbasinsolar.com/how-solar-power-works”]
how solar works

How Can Webaholics Help?

SunBasin now has a major platform in their solar marketing strategy and we are confident that it will help their business become one of the best solar companies in Utah.

If you are interested our work with SunBasin and would like to learn more, give us a call at (801) 432-0676 or shoot us an email at info@webaholics.co.

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