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Non-Profit Client Spotlight: Kids Feeding Kids

By February 18, 2016September 29th, 2017No Comments

Every so often, we come across a client that needs an extra boost in brand exposure to help convey their message.

Some of these brands  have a special message that includes helping others in the community. We feel that organizations like these need every bit of attention online just as any other group or business would.

This is why we decided to lend a hand to help a Utah non-profit organization, Kids Feeding Kids.

About Kids Feeding Kids

Kids Feeding Kids is a Salt Lake City based non-profit and charity organization that focuses on helping children in impoverished areas around the globe.

In order for Kids Feeding Kids to provide relief globally, the group partners with fellow non-profit Feed My Starving Children,  which provides food packs that volunteers assemble.

Kids Feeding Kids has so far been a success without a great online presence in the Salt Lake Valley, but with other charities and non-profits having success using the web as a way to attract potential volunteers and donors, Kids Feeding Kids wanted to upgrade their website.


After spending time researching and putting together a new mobile responsive website, Kids Feeding Kids is now able to direct volunteers to events and collect donations online.

Take a look of some of the features on Kids Feeding Kids’ new website:

  • Mobile Responsiveness: Like all of our websites, we strive to make sure that every page is tested to work on any device including smart phones, tablets, laptops and more.


  • Interactive Graphics: In order to transfer information faster to users, we used interactive info-graphics that show the issues of hunger with children today, and see where Kids Feeding Kids ships their meals.


  • Easy Access to Donation & Volunteer Portals: One of the main goals of the site is to get users to convert to donors or volunteers to help Kids Feeding Kids. The organization needs a lot of man hours and funds to continue to succeed, so the site is filled with essential information and access to volunteer information and online donation forms.
webaholics volunteer event
webaholics feeding kids

The Webaholics Team is very proud to help a great organization like Kids Feeding Kids, and will be joining them in their next event in April to help provide children with the necessary nutrition they need.

Click here to learn more about Kids Feeding Kids.

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