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Kids Feeding Kids Volunteer Event at Gardner Village

By April 23, 2018No Comments

Kids Feeding Kids

This past weekend, for the second year in a row, Webaholics partnered with Kids Feeding Kids for a volunteer service project at Gardner Village.

Kids Feeding Kids is a non-profit organization that works with volunteers and donors across the nation.

Along with their partner, Feed My Starving Children, they provide pre-packaged Manna Pack meals that have been specifically designed to provide maximum amounts of food and nutrients for children in over 70 countries around the globe.

Benefits of Service

We here at Webaholics love getting the chance to serve as a team and know that the work that is getting done at Kids Feeding Kids is making a difference all around the world.

We have had the chance to volunteer with Kids Feeding Kids several times and every time, the events are well structured and the leadership is thorough and kind.

The benefits that we get as a team, having the chance to work in a fun environment doing something other than our normal roles is great for our team morale as well.

We enjoy getting to be with each other while we are volunteering because it gives us the chance to change up our day and help others. Doing the actual work doesn’t take long either, as we are only there for a couple of hours and we know that the work goes to benefit so many people and provide so many opportunities for children all around the world.

It’s about more than just the food

The volunteering that we do is more than just providing food for these children.

There is a feeling of love and accomplishment knowing that there is more to life than just the food that is being provided, we are also giving the kids a better chance at life and the chance that they can make more of themselves than was previously possible.

The children that we feed are the future leaders of their respective countries, they have the same needs as the kids here at home, and they are no less deserving of the opportunities that we enjoy.

Get Involved!

If you would like to learn more about Kids Feeding Kids and the great work that they are doing or would like to get involved with volunteering at their next event, click here!

If you would like to learn more about Webaholics and our work within the community, give us a call at (801) 432-0676″ or shoot us an email at